Yeaaaay…I made it!!

I remember the day at the airport when I was taking my flight back to Indonesia on the very last day of July..I said to myself that I’ll be back again for graduation, Christmas and New Year. I had my doubts at that moment, things could just happen and change everything but somehow God helped me out with everything. The visa, the ticket and other stuff somehow just went smoothly.  So, long story short, I took  the flight to Adelaide on 12 of December and arrived next morning after a short transit in KL-Malaysia.

It’s been 17 days and I had so much fun and stories that I would like to keep..Oh I also have lots of pictures as proof (lol). So, I’m gonna post some pictures and put captions on it so that I can always remember the stories behind those pictures.

Sigit and I at My graduation

Ane and I at My Graduation

Me, Sigit, Disa, Yani and Ko’Arry (Ane took the picture). The background is Torrens River, Adelaide. 

It’s less than 5 minutes from Sigit’s place. We actually spent new year’s eve here with lots of people from around the place. We saw the fireworks in the city, Glenelg, Semaphore and other place in Adelaide I was beautiful but I was kinda sad at that time because Sigit had an allergic reaction..

We love strawberry!!!

Salad with cheese or cheese salad?! *_*


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